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The End of a Great Love Affair

Dear Reader,

The greatest love of my life has become lost to me today.

In fact, just thirty minutes ago.

I am never. Never. Never. NEVER EVER EVER EVERRRRRRR living in North Carolina! EVER!

I am not even being silly. This is all in dead and complete seriousness, because I almost WAS DEAD.

I was grumpy because I didn't get to go on a walk this morning and I ate pretty crappily today so when I got home from getting groceries for tomorrow I decided to go on a walk to lift my spirits and even took Willie so that mom and dad could have some peace of mind when they came home knowing that Willie had gotten his exercise in for the day.

And then, because Willie is the biggest pain in the butt known to man when he goes on a walk, I took him back home halfway so I could just listen to my music [current obsession: Styx] and finish my walk peacefully.

Ugh, tender mercy number one. *shiver*

So I started my second go round of the neighborhood, and it's getting pretty dark but it's a very safe neighborhood and I had my phone, and start up the Kings Way hill when I see a dark shape under my foot. [omg I can't stop shivering] Now because I have this insanely irrational phobia of snakes of all kind, I'm always a little skittish and jump aside even if in my head I know they're just sticks. Same happened here, but this stick looked really sketchy, so with my foot probably just an inch away, I look closer and realize that it is, indeed, a freaking snake. [Thanks to my lifetime of unintentional training using sticks, I moved just in time to not step on it.] But I was literally right next to it, my brain realized it was a thick, wavy stick, and then my eyes saw the diamonds on it's back and my legs started me walking again when my brain finally went *BLOOP BLEEP DLEEP BLOOP--Don't run from snakes Addy I'm pretty sure that's a rule, the snake is not smushed so it is alive but it is not moving so you just walk away calmly the way you were and finish your walk honey it's okay* but my legs were like *Whatever sucker we're outta here!* and cross my heart and hope to die I have never run so fast in my life.

I got home, calmed myself down, and then swore to never live in NC again.

And thus is the ending of my great North Carolina love affair.

[Okay, fine, I just won't go walking down Kings Way hill at night in May again.]

Other than that, we helped Grandma and Grandpa clean out their attic and move some stuff in hopes of their moving up to Raleigh sometime soon in the future, went to Cookout, played 20 questions with Grandpa about his life and learned a lot, had a lot of fun just being with Grandma and Grandpa, and came home!

Things I learned about Grandpa:
- He came home from college one month after starting NC State because he was too homesick [he's passed that down through the generations]
- And then had to get back surgery the next year when he went back, so couldn't join the Army like he was thinking of. He said he got an F4 stamp.
- He "thumbed" Friday after classes to get to Elizabeth City for the weekend and then again to get back to Raleigh on Sunday afternoon when he wanted to go home for the weekend.
- He lived off of one dollar a day as a college student--a Krispy Kreme donut for breakfast, grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, and a fish dinner from the cafeteria for dinner.
- One day, he walked over to UNC-Chapel Hill Campus and registered as a student studying Journalism. Then decided that neither the college nor the major was right for him🙊
- He changed his major four different times: Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Journalism, and then finally Agriculture, which is what he stuck with.
- His family's main crop growing up was cabbage.
- He married Grandma when she was just barely nineteen!
- Oh, also, the last four digits of his SSN are the same as mine...crazzyyy! I thought that was pretty funny.

